Monday, January 22, 2018

Classroom Notes – January 2018

Valentine's Day Dance/Basket – Our very popular St. Gregory's Valentine's Day dance and basket raffle is quickly approaching. A note went home last week outlining the theme of our basket and related items that you can donate. Our theme is “Mommy Time” and you can send any contributions for our classroom basket by February 02, 2018.

Money Assessment – Our grade 3's completed a “show-me-what-you-know” on money just before the Christmas break. Please sign and return the assessment as soon as possible if you haven't done so already. Adding and subtracting money amounts to $10 takes practice and it is recommended that your child practices representing money amounts, counting and adding/subtracting money using coins at home.

Outdoor Skating – It seems that we are experiencing another unpredictable winter – from cold to unusually warm – and these temperatures affect the condition of the rink. I have scheduled our class skating time on Friday's from 10:30 – 12:00. This day and time will depend on weather conditions and I will notify you the day before if skating will need to be cancelled for that day. I will send home a detailed letter including skating rules and required equipment in the near future. Since this upcoming Friday is a PD Day, we will attempt to begin skating on Friday, February 2nd. Thank you for your patience!

First Term Reports – We are quickly nearing the end of the first reporting term. Just a reminder that students will be given a letter grade for all six learning skills and I will be specifically commenting on/providing next steps for Organization and Initiative. Report cards will be sent home on Friday, February 16th. Please be advised that interviews will be on a “needs basis,” therefore I will only be personally contacting those parents whom I need to discuss their child's progress with.

Homework Routines – Spelling homework will continue to be sent home on Monday's and due on Friday's. Now that we are further into the school year, I will begin alternating between Spelling and Math homework. All students need to be reading at home each night. It is recommended that students balance their personal choice of chapter/picture books with Raz-Kids. For extra homework practice, students can access many apps for computer/iPad through their student portal on our Board website: All grade 3's have their email and passwords glued into the front page of their agenda.

Winter Clothing – Just a reminder that it is recommended that all students keep extra socks, mitts and toques in their backpack just in case their clothing gets wet or lost during the school day. Please remember to label all clothing to increase your chances of having lost items returned to you.

PD Day – There will be no school for students on Friday, January 26, 2018.

Always Learning in Grade 3....

We have completed our unit on Data Management in Math; however, we will revisit important concepts for this strand in the Spring. Currently, we are working on telling time to 5 minutes by reading and writing both analogue and digital times. Also, students are learning to read a thermometer and write temperatures degrees celsius. In Measurement, we will be learning about measuring and estimating length, width and height using centimetres, metres and kilometres.

In Writing, our grade 3's used their imagination to create a short fictional story called “If I Lived in a Snow Globe.” I am displaying their amazing stories on our classroom bulletin board. For extra writing practice at home, students can write their own narratives, or you could give your child a writing prompt for them to write a paragraph about a topic/theme. Also, our class has been very lucky to have a technology coach from our Board teaching students to use Google Drive, Docs and Read & Write. Students can write a narrative using these programs and they can demonstrate how they are learning about and using technology in the classroom. In Reading, we are continuing to read a variety of texts, using reading strategies to improve comprehension. We are learning and practising strategies to write effective short answer responses to questions.

In Science, we have been learning about strength and stability in our unit on Structures. We have been discussing man-made and natural structures. Also, we are learning about what makes a structure strong and stable. Currently, students are creating a structure using only straws and masking tape that needs to support a load (i.e. a chapter book) without collapsing. Next, we will look at how shape can add strength to a structure. In the near future, we will have a guest (Mr. Ball) assist our class with a bridge building experiment using wooden sticks.

In Family Life, we are finishing up our discussions on “Our Families” and focusing on “brothers and sisters. We will end this theme by learning about “what is a friend” and how to be friendly and open to one another.

In the Arts, we are exploring Dance through a variety of activities. Students are learning to use their body, energy, and space to imitate movements in the natural environment. We are also using a very engaging dance program (Groove EDGEucation) that integrates a cultural context, as well as the importance of dance in communities.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

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