Monday, December 12, 2016

Classroom Notes - December 2016

The Snow is Here! - Just a quick reminder that you can always place extra socks, mitts, toques etc. in your child's backpack since all students go out for recess on most days (except when it is too cold). Children love playing in the snow and they do come in from outside quite wet, so extra clothing will make their day more comfortable. Also, please label all clothing since many winter items end up in our lost and found and many students have similar clothing. Doing so will make finding those items much faster!

Christmas Shopping Day - Our annual Christmas shopping day will be held on Friday, December 16th. Thank you to all parents who have donated items for this event. 

Christmas Hampers - The last day to contribute Christmas Hamper items will be Friday, December 16th. Thank you for your thoughtfulness at this time of year. If you are planning on buying a gift card, please let me know by writing a note in your child's agenda. Once again, on behalf of St. Gregory School, I thank you for your continued generosity.

Christmas Concert - Our annual Christmas concert will be held on Thursday, December 22nd. We will be singing "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas." The Christmas Concert is a popular event and all parents are welcome.

Always Learning in Grade 3

In Math, students have been working very hard on applying strategies when solving challenging word problems. We spent most of November working on representing, adding and subtracting money amounts to $10, as well as rounding numbers to the nearest ten. All students can benefit from extra practice with money at home, so this can always be an extra activity to reinforce your child's learning at home. Currently, we are working on creating surveys and using this data to organize and create bar and pictographs. Also, students are learning to read and interpret data from a given or created graph. We will continue working on Data Management after Christmas as well.

In Language, our grade 3's are working on a new narrative story influenced by the story, "Snowmen At Night." We are continuing to focus on the characteristics of narrative writing, such as characters, setting, problem/solution. Students will also use a variety of punctuation, including quotation marks and adjectives in their writing. In Reading, we have been working on retelling a story and answering reading comprehension questions using the A.P.E. strategy. Students will practice this strategy throughout the year in preparation for EQAO.

In Science, we have begun our unit on structures and we are very lucky to have Mr. Ball working in our class as students design and create a strong and stable bridge. Mr. Ball assists our junior students each year in preparation for the engineering challenge, as well as our weekly maker's space activities during lunch.

In the Arts, students have been very busy creating winter scenes using water colour paints. Also, our class is doing a wonderful job with drawing Advent candles/wreaths with a stained glass perspective using pastels. We will begin Dance very shortly!

Now that we are in the season of Advent students have been learning how to prepare for Jesus' coming and how we can share the message of Advent and Christmas with others. As we get closer to Christmas, our days will get busier at home and within the school. On behalf of all St. Gregory staff, I wish all families a safe and memorable Christmas as we celebrate this special time of the year.

Mr. Blais

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Mathematics Support at Home

During the progress report interviews, many parents mentioned that they see the benefits from the new methods that teachers are using in the mathematics classroom. Many parents replied that they wished that they learned math in this way when he or she was in elementary school. In our classroom, we have a growth mindset approach to learning math. Our students know that anyone can learn and do math with effort and by learning from our mistakes. Since most parents are not aware of how math is presently taught, I have outlined my approach, as well as some resources that will assist you as you support your child at home.

Dear parents,

Have you noticed that your child has been showing more enthusiasm, confidence and a positive mindset toward mathematics? When you ask your child about what they learned in school today, are they speaking about their solution to a problem, or perhaps, the many different approaches that they learned from their peers? By taking an inquiry based learning approach to mathematics, our students have been given opportunities to demonstrate their creativity, use their own ideas/knowledge and they are actively engaged in their learning.

Inquiry based learning is not teaching about how to use a specific procedure to solve a problem, then asking all students to mimic the same strategy to find the answer. However, an inquiry based approach allows:
  • students to use their own ideas and combine their knowledge of mathematical methods and procedures to solve problems
  • opportunities for students to think critically and creatively in a collaborative setting to deepen their understanding of math
  • communication and math vocabulary to resonate between students and the teacher
  • a realization that there can be many solutions to a problem and they can discover new pathways from their peers, instead of one fixed methodology
  • problems that are visual to create interest, curiosity and get all students thinking
When students discuss their ideas in a safe classroom environment, they are more willing to take risks and learn from each other’s errors. As previously discussed, we will continue to have several positive growth mindset lessons in our class and praise your child for contributing his/her thinking. By encouraging student thinking toward mathematics in this manner, your child will gain confidence and be more prepared to solve real-life problems that are relevant in today’s world. Here is a few resources that can assist you at home:

"Doing Mathematics with Your Child K-6"

"Inspiring Your Child to Learn and Love Math"

Online Math Games

Several parents have mentioned that they would like more opportunities to practice word problems at home. I am revising our "problem of the week" activities and I will begin to integrate these tasks into weekly homework.

Thank you for your support!

Mr. Blais

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Classroom Notes - November 2016

  • Patterning Tests - If you have not signed and returned the last math test, please do so as soon as possible since I would like all tests returned. We will continue working with a variety of math assessments in preparation for EQAO. I know that all students put in a lot of effort and they are proud of their work. Good job grade 3's!
  • Parent/Teacher Interviews - Our parent teacher interviews will be held on November 17th. Interviews are scheduled using online booking using a Google Form. The Progress Report interviews are short and I do have to stay on time to respect all parents who have booked, so please be aware that our time is limited. Thanks for understanding!
  • Progress Reports - Please sign the bottom portion of the report and return it to school with the envelope since we can reuse it for the first term report. It is important that students discuss their goals for their learning with you. I will continue to discuss the importance of learning skills throughout the year to the class as they prepare for the junior division. Thank you for your continued support!
  • Technology Coach - We are very lucky to have a expert from our board for the next few weeks to teach our students how to navigate through Google-based programs, such as Read & Write, Google Drive and Google Docs. Students will learn how to navigate through and organize their drive, use tools in Read & Write (e.g. word predictor, microphone, etc.) and to be more independent when navigating through the student portal. This is a very unique learning experience that will foster student success using technology.
  • Homework Routines and Getting Enough Sleep - Having a structured homework routine - including a regular time and place - will reinforce learning at school and demonstrate our home/school commitment to the success of your child. Please take some time to look over each week's Spelling homework to ensure understanding and that it is completed neatly. Many students appear to be more tired than normal and seem less energetic. With the time change and ongoing commitments, it is understandable that children are tired, but please keep in mind that that we have a busy school schedule and children need enough sleep to learn to the best of their ability.
  • TVO Kids - I have introduced the TVO website to our class during our iPad block ( and I encourage students to investigate some of the Math apps. There are many engaging games, so take a look!
  • Remembrance Day Liturgy - Our Remembrance Day Liturgy will be held this Friday at 10:45. All are welcome!
  • PD Day - Don't forget that Friday, November 18th is a PD Day and there is no school for students. Our school choir will be singing at Centrepointe Theatre during the evening for Rag and Bone Theatre. If interested, you can purchase tickets in advance by going to the Rag and Bone website, or at the box office during the day of the play.
Always Learning in Grade 3

In Math, we are currently working on representing, adding and subtracting money amounts to $10. We are working on problem solving strategies and mental math using adding and subtracting. We will create menus and pretend to purchase items from each other and receive change to provide a real life context to money. Students will begin learning about rounding numbers to the nearest 10.

In Language, we are finishing up our narrative writing called "My Haunted House For Sale." In this writing task, students have learned to create a problem/solution, use detail and a variety of punctuation (e.g. question marks, exclamation marks, commas, etc.). We will begin learning how to effectively write answers to comprehension questions using the "APE" strategy. Students will practice this strategy throughout the year in preparation for EQAO. We will continue working on identifying the main idea in a text.

We are getting close to finishing our Science unit on forces. We had a few experiments using gravitational and magnetic force. We have discussed friction and we will have a short experiment on electrostatic force. I am preparing a take home project on natural forces that will go home shortly. A detailed letter will go home shortly to explain the expectations of the task.

In Religion, we have discussed why we pray and different types of prayer. In Family Life, we are talking about our gifts and talents and how God wants us to share these talents/gifts with others.

In Visual Arts, students are completing their autumn art using colour, space, movement and patterning. I have posted a few pictures on our class Twitter page.

If you have any questions, please write me a note in the agenda. Thanks for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Classroom Notes – October 2016

Terry Fox Run – Thank you for donating to our annual Terry Fox run. Our class was very excited to participate and it was a beautiful afternoon for this special event. St. Gregory is close to meeting our monetary goal because of your generosity.

Cooler Weather...brrrr – It has been a warm and sunny autumn so far, but it seems that the cooler weather has finally reached us. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the entire day. As previously mentioned, students can keep extra socks, mitts, hats, etc. in their backpack. Please label all clothing so lost items can be hopefully found and returned promptly. Many students have similar clothing items, so labelling helps determine proper ownership.

A Note Regarding Homework - Thank you for supporting your child's learning at home. All extra practice will reinforce learning at school. We are partners in your child's education and I cannot emphasize enough how important the role that a home/school connection has toward academic success. Please send me a note if your child experiences difficulty with some or all of the homework tasks. It is recommended that all children have a consistent homework routine. Please check in with your child to ensure understanding of a task, praise their hard work and support their learning in a positive manner.

Reading on Raz-Kids and Using Dreambox – Just a reminder that I consider reading on Raz-Kids to be part of weekly homework and I am aware of how much time that your child spends using the app. It is recommended that students balance reading on Raz-Kids with other reading materials (i.e. chapter books, picture books, etc.). Students will be given their logins and passwords for Dreambox this week and this information will be glued into their agenda.

Spelling Quiz Books – I will be sending spelling quiz books home on Friday, October 14th for parents to look over and sign. Please return these booklets on Monday, October 17th.

Lottery Calendars – Students received their lottery calendars last week from parent council. If you are not participating and do not plan to use the calendars, you should return them to school. Based on previous years, parent council would like all unused calenders returned since there are always many students looking for extras.

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, we have started a unit in patterning. We are currently focusing on growing and shrinking number patterns. Our class has worked hard on describing a pattern rule using appropriate math vocabulary. Together, we learned from our mistakes and we were given the opportunity to teach Mrs. Cooper's grade 3/4 class. We will continue to work on our patterning unit throughout October and we will have a unit test by the end of the month. I will send home practice work in advance of the test and provide parents with a specific date once it has been determined.

In Writing, grade 3's are writing a descriptive paragraph about their favourite holiday. We have worked on writing an effective opening/closing sentence, adjectives and using detail to improve our writing. Most students are revising their work by using our class “Bump it Up” wall, peer-editing and teacher conferences. Our next writing task will be narrative writing with a Halloween twist. In Reading, we have been working on reading comprehension strategies and practising “making connections” to texts in order to be better readers.

In Science, we are continuing our unit on forces. We have discussed the impact that natural forces have in the environment, such as landslides and erosion. Our class was very excited to complete an experiment using buoyancy and gravity. Students designed and created their own boats using tin foil to support a load (pennies). We will begin another experiment using small magnets to push, pull and stop an object.

In Family Life, students have learned that we may have likes and dislikes that may be similar or different from others, but regardless, we are unique. In Religion, we have discussed our Catholic community – as well as other communities – and we have created artwork inspired Fernando Llort. We have so many talented artists! Next, we will focus on use of colour and movement in Visual Arts.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Monday, September 19, 2016

Classroom Notes - September 2016

  • Spelling Homework – Spelling homework will always go home on Monday and it will be due on Friday. Please ensure that students familiarize themselves with the list words since we will have a Spelling quiz every Friday.  As previously mentioned, it is important that you check in with your child to ensure understanding of homework tasks. Your assistance at home is greatly appreciated and your efforts will contribute to the learning development of your child. I send home Spelling Quiz booklets about once a month for parent signatures.
  • Reading at home - Students should read at home on a daily basis for 15-20 minutes. Our class Raz-Kids account will be activated shortly. I am just waiting for notification from the Board. If you do not have access to the internet at home, or a device, please write me a note and I can send books home at your child's reading level. 
  • Extra clothing - With unpredictable weather, it is recommended that students keep an extra pair of socks in their backpack, just in case. As the weather cools, students can always keep extra hats and mittens as well. Please be aware of daily weather since students go out for recess most days and they should always be dressed appropriately. All student clothing should be labelled. It is amazing how quickly our lost and found gets full of clothing and most items inside do not have names.
  • Opening School Mass - Our opening school Mass with be Thursday, September 22 at 1:15. Please celebrate with us if possible. 
  • Agendas - Please check and initial agendas daily. I have informed students that their agenda is their responsibility and that they should show you agenda notes each night. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • A Special Thanks – Thank you to all families who contributed items to our classroom such as kleenex and zip-lock bags. Our shelves are full thanks to your generosity!
Always Learning in Gr. 3

We have had an amazing start to the year!

In Math, students are learning to count forward by 1's, 2's, 5's, 10's , 25's and 100's to 1000. We have been playing some exciting games in Math to practice this concept. We are also learning to count backwards from 100 by 2's, 5's and 10's. We will begin to discuss place value (e.g. ones, tens, hundreds, etc.) and practice composing/decomposing numbers to 1000 using base 10 materials.

In Language, we have been working on descriptive words/adjectives and learning to "bump up" our work in order to write super sentences. We will begin a larger descriptive writing task in the near future. In Reading, we have been having some shared reading of fiction and non-fiction texts and we have discussed some of the text features in both.

In Science, we have started our unit on forces. Students have already learned about several types of forces, including gravitational, magnetic, friction, muscular and electrostatic. 

Our current discussions in Family Life will focus on the the theme “Created and Loved By God.” We have discussed how God knows and loves each person. We have learned that God calls us by name and that our names are special and unique. Today, I sent home some questions regarding your child's name and it will need to be returned to school by Thursday, September 22. Please take some time to talk about why their name was chosen and assist in answering the questions. 

In Religion, we have been discussing the communities that we belong to and we will expand on our Catholic community. Our new spiritual theme, "Sent to be the good news," will be discussed throughout the year.

Please write me, or Mme. Kealey a note in the agenda if you have any questions. Enjoy the warmth and sunshine while it lasts!

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Classroom Notes - June 2016

  • EQAO is finished! - Today, our grade 3's completed the last section of their Mathematics booklets. Thank you to all parents for assisting your child at home in preparation for the assessment. I am very proud of our class for showing grit, perseverance and for putting forth their best effort. Good job grade 3's! As always, results from this year's assessment will not be made public until the next school year.
  • EQAO party - Both Mrs. Jung's and Mr. Blais' grade 3 classes will be having a party to celebrate all of their hard work. We are currently determining at date for this celebration, so expect a note in the near future.
  • Upcoming field trip - We will be going on a Summer Solstice field trip on Monday, June 20th. This field trip links to the Social Studies curriculum in which students will be learning about Aboriginal culture. A parent letter and a permission form will be sent home shortly.
  • Bike rodeo - I have been informed that the new date for the bike rodeo will be Thursday, June 16th. Although this date replaces the cancelled day, it is still weather dependant. Please ensure that you check weekly online school memos, as well as any recorded messages from the school for current information.
  • Summer is almost here! - We have already experienced some hot weather this spring. If you know that we will be having a hot, sunny day, students can come to school wearing sunblock since they will be outside for recess on a daily basis. It is always a good idea to send your child to school with a hat and extra sun block which they can store in their backpack.
  • PD Day this Friday - There will be no school for students on Friday, June 10th.

Always Learning in Grade 3

Although we have covered all five strands in the Math curriculum, our class will continue working on division, the concept of equality, fractions and a variety of word problems. 

In Language, we will focus on Media Literacy and students will create a media text for a specific audience.

This week, students have been working hard on their Science unit called "Soils in the Environment." Students are learning about the components of soil and they will investigate different types of soil, as well as composting.

Next week, we will begin our "Created Sexual" unit in Family Life. A letter to parents will be sent home to outline the topics covered in grade 3.

In Health, grade 3's will learn about processed and unprocessed foods as well as the benefits of good oral health. Students will also learn about the advantages of buying fresh, local foods.

In Drama, students will perform their reader's theatre play to their peers. Students have been working on their chosen character by determining how to use their voice and movement when acting out their part.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Classroom Notes - May 2016

EQAO Practice Booklets - Our grade 3 class is currently working on their second booklet and they are due back to school on Friday, May 13th.  In the upcoming weeks, booklets will be due on Thursdays once again. I have only asked students to submit booklets this Friday due to the missing pages that were sent home a day later. It is recommended that students attempt all Math and Language questions independently and only ask for assistance when needed. You can read questions (if need be), and provide extra assistance when your child experiences difficulty with certain questions. Parents should read over student answers and ensure that work is fully completed to the best of their ability. Students should print neatly, checking for errors. Students are very familiar with the strategies we have been using in the classroom and they should continue to use these methods at home as well.  Each week, students will earn a sticker for completing the booklet. Students who earn all four stickers will receive a prize. Mrs. Jung has made a collage of student names to proudly display their stickers. Keep showing grit and perseverance gr. 3's!

Junglesport and Geometry Tests - Junglesport permission forms have been sent home and they need to be filled out and returned as soon as possible. I have received most signed Math tests already, but please aim to return them by Friday May 13th, if you haven't done so already.

EQAO Assessment dates - Our grade 3's begin the assessment on May 25th. A newsletter will be going home this Friday to provide additional information.

Homework Routine - With the upcoming EQAO assessment, the emphasis is being placed on the practice booklets. Regular Spelling and Math homework will continue after the assessment. Students can continue to use the educational apps (e.g. Raz-Kids, Mathletics, Dreambox, etc.) if they wish to supplement their homework. Daily reading is encouraged to ensure that students reach grade 3 reading levels and required vocabulary.

Spring is here! With the increase in warmer weather and sunshine, students should be dressed and prepared for the day. Hats, sunblock and extra drinks are encouraged.

Education Week - Thank you for those parents who visited our class during Education Week and participated in our Math games.

Thank you volunteers! - I wish to thank all parent volunteers who assisted us during our swimming lessons. Your help is always greatly appreciated!

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, we have been very busy reviewing material, problem solving and learning new concepts. We have been learning about Mass and Capacity using standard units (i.e. kilogram, litre). We have started Probability and we will investigate the concept of equality in Algebra shortly.

In Writing, students have been busy writing persuasive letters and paragraphs. Gr. 3's are currently working on a procedural writing task ("How to Get Ready in the Morning Before School). Students worked very hard on their Mother's Day letters and I am sure that you enjoyed reading them last weekend. In Reading, our focus has been on reading comprehension strategies and answering reading response questions using the APE strategy in preparation for EQAO. In Oral Communication, students are using accountable talk to improve their listening and speaking skills.

In Religion, we discussed a variety of ways in which one can demonstrate an act of mercy. Our class was very engaged in this topic during Education Week through scripture and by listening to Father John's message during our Education Week mass.

In Drama, students have been put into three different readers' theatre groups. We had a productive day yesterday rehearsing in our courtyard. Check out the pictures on our Twitter page!

We are continuing are unit on "Strong and Stable Structures" in Science. We have learned about the purpose of different types of bridges and we are investigating man-made vs. natural structures.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Classroom Notes - April 2016

Swimming Lessons - Please don't forget that we have two more swimming lessons left on April 14th and April 21st. Students will need to bring their swimsuits, towel, bag and goggles (if necessary). Our students really enjoyed their first swimming lesson and I know they can't wait to return to the pool. We will leave St. Gregory's at the same time as scheduled. Thank you to all parent volunteers that assisted our students last week. Our first lesson would not have been so successful without your help.

Agendas - Important information is sent home daily in your child's agenda. Please remember to sign/initial the agenda daily.

Dressing for the Unpredictable Weather - We have seen a variety of weather in the last two weeks. Please remember that students should be dressed appropriately for cold, wet days. With all the rain and snow, our school yard is still quite muddy, Remember that you can always pack extra socks/mittens/hats in your child's backpack just in case.

Weekly Homework - It is strongly recommended that you check in and work with your child regularly at home to ensure understanding and reinforce learning at school. All students should be reading regularly for 15-20 minutes each night. Books read at home should be at their appropriate reading level. 

Student Portal - Our gr. 3 class has been learning how to navigate through Google apps (e.g. Google Docs, Read & Write, etc.) as well as the apps listed on the student portal at our Board's webpage. Students know how to login using their email and password which is glued to the inside of their agenda. There are many useful Math and Language apps that children are encouraged to use in order to supplement their homework. If you have any questions, please write me a note in the agenda.

PD Day April 15th - No School

Always Learning in Grade 3

In Math, we have been working on our unit in Geometry. Students are learning and investigating right angles, as well as angles greater and smaller that right angles. Our class was very engaged when creating a variety of prisms using paper nets and investigating lines of symmetry. We are beginning to sort and compare 2-D shapes and 3-D figures by their geometric properties. We will likely have a Geometry quiz sometime next week, so please check the agenda for a scheduled date.

In Language, we have just about finished our good copies of our adventure stories. Over the last few weeks, our focus in Reading has been with making inferences (reading between the lines) using clues from the text. We have began to review persuasive writing. Students are currently completing a Reading assessment and then, we will move on to poetry.

In Science, gr. 3's have started a new unit called Strong and Stable Structures. We have been very lucky to have Mr. Ball in our classroom for two Science blocks to assist us in our bridge making experiment. I will post completed bridges on our class Twitter page.

Our class did an amazing job assisting in our school Easter Mass. All students had one responsibility during the Mass and they were great spiritual leaders. In Family Life, we have been speaking about the gift of brothers and sisters and the relationships that we have in our own families. We are almost done our stained glass crosses which we will put in our classroom window.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Monday, March 7, 2016

March 2016 - Classroom Notes
  • Skating cancelled for rest of year - Due to warmer weather and deteriorating ice conditions, skating will be cancelled for the rest of the year. Unfortunately, we did not have much luck with the weather this winter, but we still had fun while it lasted. Thank you to all parent volunteers who assisted us on skating days. Very much appreciated!
  • Field Trip to Stanley's Olde Maple Lane Farm - Just a reminder that our class will be joining the other primary classes at St. Gregory's for an exciting field trip. Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather. Although we are having a pancake lunch, students will need to bring enough snacks for the entire day. We are not allowed to bring outside food onto the premises; however, we will try to eat snacks on the bus. With the wet weather, it is advisable for students to bring an extra pair of socks/mittens in their backpack. Looking forward to all the exciting activities!
  • Math homework this week - I have sent a note home regarding this week's homework before the March Break. We will have a Math test on Wednesday, March 9th, so please read through the parent note that was sent home on Monday, March 07. Regular Spelling homework will continue after the March Break.
  • Homework reminders - Just a reminder that I do encourage students to balance their weekly reading between Raz-Kids and chapter books/print material. As well, I consider reading on Raz-Kids to be part of weekly homework. Students should be reading for 15 minutes daily at home in order to improve reading fluency and attain grade 3 reading expectations. Also, students can login to Math apps/programs for extra practice, such as Mathletics and Dreambox. Student login information can be found at the front of their agenda. Please let me know if you experience difficulty logging into any of these apps.
  • March Break - No school from March 14 - 18. 
Always Learning in Grade 3

In Math, grade 3's have been learning about perimeter and area through a variety of tasks and hands-on activities. Students have been very engaged in creating a robot using area and perimeter. We have just started multiplication and we will begin investigating 2-D shapes and 3-D figures in Geometry.

In Writing, students are writing and revising their adventure stories. During shared writing, our class wrote an amazing adventure story that inspired others to create their own original story. In Reading, we are focusing on inferring (reading between the lines) to improve our understanding of texts.

In Science, we are finishing up our unit on forces. Students have investigated magnetism, gravity, muscular force and buoyancy through a variety of experiments. This week we will look at electrostatic force and friction.

Thank you to all who have contributed to our Lenten project by donating money to various school-wide activities. As Easter approaches, we will continue to focus on scriptural readings and the spiritual meaning of Lent. 

Wishing you a safe and memorable March Break!

Mr. Blais

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Our grade 3 class had a special guest presenter who talked to us about pedestrian safety. Please ask your child what they know and what they learned about being safe.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 2016 - Classroom Notes

  • Skating - Our designated skating time is every Wednesday from 2:45 - 3:30. We will wait until all the classes have entered the school after last recess before proceeding outside to the rink shack. Parent volunteers should meet us at the office by 2:45 so we can walk out together. Please be advised that parents should not be waiting at the rink shack during recess since no adults other than staff should be in the yard during this time. Thank you for understanding and keeping our students safe.
  • Family Life Homework - Just to clarify an issue, I did previously mention that the Family Life homework on family customs and traditions was due on February 17th. This was a mistake on my part as I meant to type February 10th. If your child did not return their work, they can still hand it in on February 17th; however, we will begin discussing the family flags of those students who have already completed the task. Thanks for understanding!
  • Extra Clothing - I am very happy that most students are bringing extra socks, mittens, hats, etc. in their school bags in case of wet clothing. With the wet weather, I know that many students have been using their extra dry items. If your child sends home wet clothing items, please ensure that these items get replaced and not forgotten at home.
  • Report Cards - First term report cards will be sent home Friday, February 12. Please take some time with your child to discuss their learning goals for the second term. Also, there is no specific day scheduled for parent interviews at this time; however, I will only contact those parents who I need to speak with. 
  • Valentine's Day cards - I have sent home a class list for all students in case they wish to bring in cards to their peers. Since Valentines Day is on the weekend, students can bring their cards on either Friday, February 12, or Tuesday, February 16th.
  • Family Day - Monday, February 15th. No school as it is a long weekend.
  • A special thanks... - On behalf of all staff, I wish to thank all parents who contributed to our Valentine Raffle Basket. I know that this event is very exciting for all and that Parent Council puts a lot of work to make this night successful. Thank you as well for those parents who have volunteered to assist our class with tying skates. We appreciate your assistance!
Always Learning in Grade 3

In Math, we are learning to estimate, measure and record length, height and distance using centimetres, metres and kilometres. We will continue to practice telling time to 5 minute intervals, as well as reading a thermometer. Next, we will investigate the perimeter of various shapes. In Number Sense, we have been working on 3-digit addition with regrouping, as well as subtraction of 3-digit numbers. It is recommended that students continue to use the Mathletics programs on a regular basis.

In Language, our gr. 3's are learning about the characteristics of an adventure story. During shared writing, we will write our own story and students are beginning to plan their own adventure story using a variety of organizers and writing tools. Students are very engaged in this task! Please don't forget that students should read for 15 minutes each night to ensure that they reach grade 3 reading expectations by the end of the year. I check Raz-Kids regularly to see who is using the program and I do consider it to be part of weekly homework.

In Science, we are continuing our unit on forces. We will explore magnetism and friction through some experiments in the near future.

Last week, we had a guest presenter speak to our class about pedestrian safety. Our students were very engaged and asked many important questions.

Now that we have begun the Lenten season, there are many weekly fundraising activities to raise money for our school wide Lenten project. Please watch for weekly updates to know what is going on in the school. Thank you for your support!

Mr. Blais

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Classroom Notes - January 2016

  • Now that the weather has been much colder and since we have an abundance of snow in the school yard, students should be dressed appropriately for the winter season. It is always a good idea to send extra socks and gloves in your child's backpack just in case.
  • Reminder - Scholastic orders are due Friday, January 15. Please note that you can make your child's book orders online if you choose. I would prefer if you send a cheque as opposed to sending cash.
  • Mme. Kealey is sending a reminder that students are working hard on their unit on pioneers in Social Studies and that gr. 3's will be having their quiz on Monday, January 18.
  • Skating - I noticed that workers are beginning to make the outdoor rink. We will be skating at least once a week depending on the weather. When our school skating schedule has been created, I will send a note home. I will be seeking parent volunteers to help tie skates once our scheduled time has been determined. Your assistance is always greatly appreciated!
  • PD Day - January 22

Always Learning in Gr. 3

In Math, we have been continuing to add and subtract money amounts to $10. By using a variety of activities and manipulatives, students are applying learned strategies to assist in their understanding of this concept. In Measurement, students are learning to read analogue clocks to 5 minute intervals as well as using digital clocks. In the near future, we will learn to read and record temperature using a thermometer. We will record the temperature daily using our classroom thermometer and compare our results with online websites. Also, we will investigate linear measurement using standard units, such as centimetre, metre and kilometre.

In Language, students are completing a narrative writing task in which they pretended to live in a snow globe. We focused writing 2-3 main events using descriptive words. Currently, students are writing a fictional letter to a new student to describe the rules and routines of our classroom. In terms of comprehension, students are learning about prefixes as well as adverbs.

In Science, I have decided to focus on forces, instead of soils at this time. I have moved our soils unit to the end of the school year in order to have more opportunities to bring a variety of soils in the classroom for hands-on experiments. So far in our forces unit, we have discussed forces as a push or a pull and movement. We have started to discuss different types of forces, such as gravitational, muscular, buoyancy and friction.

In Health, students are completing their unit on personal safety. We have discussed pedestrian, outdoor and fire safety extensively since September. Students will begin creating posters to highlight their understanding of specific personal safety issues.

In Family Life, students of been reflecting and discussing their talents and the ways in which they can develop and share their talents to enhance the gifts that God has given them. Next, we will focus on our families and friends.

Just a reminder that first term reports will be sent home in February. The learning skills that our school will comment on this term are initiative and organization.  I have spoken extensively about the importance of good work habits and the expectations of these two specific learning skills. Your child should speak to you about their goals for the term, as well as their achievements.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Our class won the Christmas door decorating contest. The gr. 3's were very proud of their achievement. We enjoyed our prize of hot chocolate and Timbits. Thank you Mrs. Izsak and Mrs. Jeffery for taking the time to bring these items to our class!