Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Classroom Notes – October 2016

Terry Fox Run – Thank you for donating to our annual Terry Fox run. Our class was very excited to participate and it was a beautiful afternoon for this special event. St. Gregory is close to meeting our monetary goal because of your generosity.

Cooler Weather...brrrr – It has been a warm and sunny autumn so far, but it seems that the cooler weather has finally reached us. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the entire day. As previously mentioned, students can keep extra socks, mitts, hats, etc. in their backpack. Please label all clothing so lost items can be hopefully found and returned promptly. Many students have similar clothing items, so labelling helps determine proper ownership.

A Note Regarding Homework - Thank you for supporting your child's learning at home. All extra practice will reinforce learning at school. We are partners in your child's education and I cannot emphasize enough how important the role that a home/school connection has toward academic success. Please send me a note if your child experiences difficulty with some or all of the homework tasks. It is recommended that all children have a consistent homework routine. Please check in with your child to ensure understanding of a task, praise their hard work and support their learning in a positive manner.

Reading on Raz-Kids and Using Dreambox – Just a reminder that I consider reading on Raz-Kids to be part of weekly homework and I am aware of how much time that your child spends using the app. It is recommended that students balance reading on Raz-Kids with other reading materials (i.e. chapter books, picture books, etc.). Students will be given their logins and passwords for Dreambox this week and this information will be glued into their agenda.

Spelling Quiz Books – I will be sending spelling quiz books home on Friday, October 14th for parents to look over and sign. Please return these booklets on Monday, October 17th.

Lottery Calendars – Students received their lottery calendars last week from parent council. If you are not participating and do not plan to use the calendars, you should return them to school. Based on previous years, parent council would like all unused calenders returned since there are always many students looking for extras.

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, we have started a unit in patterning. We are currently focusing on growing and shrinking number patterns. Our class has worked hard on describing a pattern rule using appropriate math vocabulary. Together, we learned from our mistakes and we were given the opportunity to teach Mrs. Cooper's grade 3/4 class. We will continue to work on our patterning unit throughout October and we will have a unit test by the end of the month. I will send home practice work in advance of the test and provide parents with a specific date once it has been determined.

In Writing, grade 3's are writing a descriptive paragraph about their favourite holiday. We have worked on writing an effective opening/closing sentence, adjectives and using detail to improve our writing. Most students are revising their work by using our class “Bump it Up” wall, peer-editing and teacher conferences. Our next writing task will be narrative writing with a Halloween twist. In Reading, we have been working on reading comprehension strategies and practising “making connections” to texts in order to be better readers.

In Science, we are continuing our unit on forces. We have discussed the impact that natural forces have in the environment, such as landslides and erosion. Our class was very excited to complete an experiment using buoyancy and gravity. Students designed and created their own boats using tin foil to support a load (pennies). We will begin another experiment using small magnets to push, pull and stop an object.

In Family Life, students have learned that we may have likes and dislikes that may be similar or different from others, but regardless, we are unique. In Religion, we have discussed our Catholic community – as well as other communities – and we have created artwork inspired Fernando Llort. We have so many talented artists! Next, we will focus on use of colour and movement in Visual Arts.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais