Thursday, March 22, 2018

Classroom Notes - March 2018

Building Bridges - Before the March Break, we completed two sessions with our Engineer in Residence (Mr. Ball). Our class enjoyed learning about adding strength to a structure.

Growth Mindset - As previously mentioned, our class embraces a growth mindset approach to learning and our students recognize that we must make and learn from our mistakes in order for our brains to grow. Here are a few links to video clips that we have watched in class during our growth mindset lessons.

Continuing to emphasize a growth mindset approach to learning at home will complement this approach to learning at school. At school, we emphasize that we must put effort and show resilience when faced with challenges. 

Appropriate Clothing and School Supplies - As the weather begins to warm up, please remember that our school yard gets very wet as the snow melts. In fact, our yard will start to resemble a small lake. Students need to be prepared for the changing weather each day by being dressed appropriately. It is recommended that students have a pair of water-proof boots for wet/rainy days. I have noticed some students are complaining about their indoor shoes not fitting anymore, or that some are well worn. Please ask your child about the condition of their indoor shoes so they can continue to feel comfortable and remain safe during gym activities.

On another note, our school provides the basic supplies needed for learning. Please ask your child if they have used up any of the items that you purchased at the beginning of the year. Many students have been informing me that they don't have certain items left anymore, so this is a good time of the year to replenish any items if you choose to do so. Thank you for your efforts!

School-wide Lenten project - On behalf of St. Gregory staff, I wish to thank you for contributing to our Lenten project (O.K. Clean Water), either through our bingo or purchasing basil from our garden towers. Thank you for reinforcing Catholic teachings.

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, we have just completed our unit in Geometry. We will continue to review important concepts from this unit as the year progresses. Students have been busy learning about perimeter, as well as strategies to show their thinking when encountering these questions. We will create robots using area and perimeter for the body parts (e.g. arms, head, legs, etc.). Also, our class has been working very hard on multiplication to 7 x 7 and showing their work using arrays and repeated addition. We have started subtraction with regrouping using an algorithm and checking our answers using a number line. If you are looking for extra practice at home for your child, addition and subtraction with regrouping will assist their learning at school. There are many great websites that students should be using at home to support their learning in mathematics. Previously, I have mentioned and our students use this website frequently at school. Also, all students have access to Dreambox and their login information should be glued into the front of their agenda. Here are some additional websites you can try at home:

In Writing, students are very engaged in writing persuasive letters and paragraphs. We are learning to write a strong opinion statement, as well as the importance of including relevant reasons and details in the body of our work. In Reading, we are continuing to work on reading comprehension strategies as well as writing appropriate responses to questions about a text.

In Science, we will begin a new unit on "Soils." This year, we are lucky to have our garden towers at our school to complement this unit and our next study on plants.

In Religion, we have been discussing what sin is, including personal and social sin. During our Lenten journey, we have been stressing the importance of prayer, almsgiving and reconciliation. Last week, students received the sacrament of reconciliation from Father Tim and Father John. As we enter Holy Week, students are preparing for our school-wide Stations of the Cross. In class, we will focus on the death and resurrection of Christ through scripture and prayer.

I wish everyone a wonderful and Easter weekend!

Mr. Blais