Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Classroom Notes - April 2018

Easter Mass rescheduled - Father Tim needed to reschedule our school Easter Mass and our next school Mass will be on Tuesday, May 01 at St Maurice's Parish. All parents/guardians are welcome to celebrate with us.

Education Week - All schools in our Board will celebrate Catholic education from May 7-11. Please check the weekly memo for all activities during this busy week. There are lots of fun events each day including the Book Fair, water walk and our St. Gregory open house, just to name a few. During the open house, our grade three class will be demonstrating their math skills through math games. Hope that you can join us and participate!

EQAO - All grade 3 and grade 6 students will complete the EQAO assessment during the last week of May and the first week of June. Our students have been preparing for this assessment to the best of their ability. A note will be sent home in May outlining the testing schedule and essential preparation at home.

PD Day - There is a PD Day on Friday, April 27th. There is no school for students.

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, students have completed their area and perimeter robots. As well, our class completed an area and perimeter assessment that will be sent home to be signed shortly. Currently we have been working on a number of concepts including multiplication, division and fractions through a variety of activities. Next, we will be learning about reflections, translations and rotations, as well as movement on a grid.

In Language, our class learned to write adventure stories by creating a big problem, a series of dangerous/exciting events and an interesting solution. We were engaged in this writing task by reading "Jumanji" for read aloud. Students were given specific success criteria for this task. Our class really enjoyed this type of narrative writing and we will display our amazing stories on our bulletin board during Education Week. In anticipation of EQAO, we will continue to practice using reading/writing strategies to prepare for the assessment.

In Science, we are continuing our unit on "Soils." Currently, students are learning about the types of soils (sand, silt, clay, loam). We will go outside into our courtyard to conduct an experiment on the different layers of soil, as well investigating the living things that we might find inside the soil within our school yard.

In Family Life, we are learning that families have commitments and that making decisions requires careful thought.

In Health, we have been learning about good, healthy living habits. Currently, we are investigating the four food groups and how to integrate several items from several of these groups into breakfast and snacks. Students will be creating a poster to outline their learning of good overall health.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais