Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Classroom Notes – September 2017

At this time, I wish to thank all parents who have contributed to our classroom by donating items, such as kleenex, zip-lock bags, glue etc. These items will be used by our class throughout the school year and I truly appreciate your generosity. Our first week of school was a success! We have established a safe and collaborative learning environment and all students have made the transition from summer to “back-to-school” in a positive manner. Please don't forget to check out our class on Twitter (MrBlais1) since I try to post a few photos from our learning day when I get a chance. Here are some detailed reminders to note:

Clothing – It is recommended that you label all clothing, shoes, backpacks, etc. Many students come to school with similar items and labelling each item will help limit any confusion. Often, students forget clothing/bags in the school yard and items can be returned quickly if your child's name is written on them. Each year, our lost and found box is overflowing with items, so please remind your child to ask his/her teacher to look through the bin. On another note, please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. All students go out for recess each day, except during inclement weather.

Homework – Spelling homework will go home on Monday's and it is always due at school on Friday. I have spoken to the class regarding the expectations for homework. Please take some time to establish a homework routine with your child. As well, check in with your child occasionally to ensure that he/she is reading and understanding the material. I do not send home a reading program; however, all students should be reading at home each night. Students who read regularly at home will increase their reading fluency and learn grade appropriate vocabulary. As previously mentioned, I will send a note home when I have account information for Raz-Kids, Dreambox, etc.

School BBQ/Open House – Our opening school BBQ is Wednesday, September 13th from 4:30 – 6:00. Our student-led “open-house” will start at 6:00 and end at 7:00. I look forward to meeting you!

Swim to Survive Program – Just a heads-up that our grade 3 class will participate in three swimming lessons at Minto Recreation Centre in mid-October. Please anticipate a detailed newsletter, as well as required permission forms in the near future. The newsletter will explain the program, including a list of times and required items. Our swimming days are scheduled for October 13th, 20th and 27th at 10:15 - 11:15. We will leave St. Gregory's during first block to arrive on time.

Always learning in grade 3....

In Math, students are learning to skip count by 2's, 5's, 10's and 100's from various starting points to 1000. We will continue working on this important Math concept over the next few weeks which will increase student confidence and understanding of larger numbers, as well as growing and shrinking patterns.

In Writing, we have started discussing adjectives and students are learning to add descriptive words to “bump-up” their writing. In Reading, we will learn about the characteristic of narratives through shared reading activities.

In Science, our first unit will be “Forces Causing Movement.”

In Religion, we have been learning about being a positive digital citizen through our “Samaritans On the Digital Road” program. We have discussed our Board spiritual theme “Sent to be the Good News” and we will begin learning about our Catholic community.

In Health, our grade 3's are learning about personal safety, especially pedestrian and fire safety.

In Visual Arts, we will integrate math and art by completing an autumn patterning task using line, colour and shape.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais