Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Classroom Notes - February 2018

First Term Reports - Report cards were sent home on Friday, February 16th. At home, please speak to your child about their learning goals for the second term. In the classroom, I regularly speak to our students about their learning skills in preparation for the junior division. Please sign and return the bottom portion of the report card as soon as possible. Just a reminder, that I will be only contacting parents who I need to schedule an interview with at this time.

Skating - Unless there is a significant change in the weather and ice conditions, skating will be cancelled for the rest of the year. Unfortunately, the rainy weather has dampened our chances of skating again this winter. Thank you for your understanding!

Classroom Gardens - If you are interested in purchasing either basil or lettuce from our garden towers, please place your order by Wednesday, February 21. These items will be sent home with your child on this day if you have made a request. We have planted a variety of vegetables/herbs, including kale, thyme, parsley and basil. As previously mentioned, all proceeds will assist our school-wide Lenten project.

Snowshoes - Snowshoes will be lent to our school from February 26 - March 2. We will attempt to use these snowshoes during our physical education blocks, as long as weather permits and there is still snow left in the yard. Fingers crossed!

Lenten calendars - Lenten calendars have been sent home for those students who wish to participate and contribute to this initiative. Thank you for your support!

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Measurement, students have been estimating and measuring in metres and centimetres. We are learning to show our thinking to problem-solving questions that focus on measurement. We will begin a new unit in Geometry and return to measurement in March with a focus on area and perimeter. Also, students have been showing grit when learning to subtract with regrouping using an algorithm. It is recommended that students practise subtracting with regrouping at home to reinforce learning at school.

In Writing, students are completing their winter narratives based on the story, "Snowmen at Night." Next, we will learn to write persuasive letters and paragraphs. In Reading, we are working on the monitoring comprehension strategy through our shared reading of a variety of texts.

In Science, we are finishing up our unit on Structures. Next, we will learn about Soils. Mr. Ball will still be visiting our class in March to lead us on a bridge-making experiment.

In Religion, we have been discussing our Lenten journey, as well as what sacrifice and temptation means. Last week, all students participated in our Ash Wednesday Liturgy to mark the beginning of this special season in our Catholic calendar. 

If you have any questions, please write me a note in your child's agenda.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais