Thursday, November 29, 2018

Classroom Notes - November 2018

Wet Weather is Here! - It has been a very wet November so far and we have seen everything from heavy rain, to significant snowfall. Many students have been coming in from recess with very wet socks and other wet clothing items. As previously mentioned, all students need an extra pair of socks, mitts, hats, etc. that they can store in a ziplock bag in their backpack. Also, all students need to have a pair of indoor shoes that remain at school at all times so they walk safely throughout the school, be prepared for a fire drill and participate in gym activities. If your child attends EDP either in the morning, afternoon, or both, please have a plan in place with your child to ensure that his or her shoes are returned to the classroom each day. Please continue to label all clothing items. Our lost and found box is located at the front lobby of the school and it is recommended that you take a look once and a while if your child has misplaced some of their belongings. Thank you for your assistance!

White Elephant Sale - As mentioned in our weekly memo, St. Gregory has a White Elephant Sale in which students will be given an opportunity to purchase Christmas presents for family members. Our White Elephant Sale will be Wednesday, December 12th. You can continue to donate unwanted items to the school at any time leading up to the activity. This event is very exciting for all students!

Advent Mass - Our school will be walking to St. Maurice Parish on Tuesday, December 11th to celebrate Advent Mass. All parents/family members are invited to attend.

United Way Campaign - Thank you to all parents who contributed to our United Way funding drive, especially through our gum and pajama day. Very much appreciated!

Parents Guide to Mathematics - Very useful information for parents in this short document. You can view it at:

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, students have completed a money assessment and it will be sent home to be signed next week. Presently, we have started a unit in Data Management. Our students are learning to create appropriate survey questions, complete a survey to determine data and represent the data in bar/pictographs. An important focus in grade three is reading and comparing data in different types of graphs.

In Writing, we are about to begin an exciting winter narrative. We are learning to use quotation marks to integrate dialogue in our writing. Also, we are learning about contractions and students will need to include a variety of contractions in their winter narrative. In Reading, our grade 3's are learning to respond to a variety of reading comprehension questions using the T.A.P.E. strategy (Think, Answer, Proof, Extension). We will practice this strategy throughout the year in preparation for EQAO. In Media Literacy, students will create their own product and design a poster using specific advertising techniques to target their audience.

In Science, students have started to present their natural forces projects. Once again, thank you for your assistance at home for this take-home project. I know that all students have learned many facts about their chosen natural force and that they were very engaged in this learning activity. I will display all projects at the school and they will be returned home in the near future. Next week, I will be sending home Science duotangs so grade 3's can review material for a short quiz. We will begin our next strand in Science (Structures) very shortly.

As we approach the Advent season in our Catholic calendar, will will focus our attention to the importance of symbols and scripture as we await the birth of Jesus. In Visual Arts, we will be using pastels to create a stained-glass effect to create an Advent wreath.

With Christmas approaching, the school will a very busy place. Please continue to read the weekly memos in order to be up-to-date with all the upcoming activities. If you have any questions, please write me a note in your child's agenda.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Classroom Notes - October 2018

Charity Fundraising at St. Gregory's - On behalf of St. Gregory staff, I want to thank all parents who generously donated to all of our recent fundraising activities. From our Terry Fox Run, our United Way campaign and "We Scare Hunger, " our students are truly demonstrating and experiencing Catholic social teaching. Thank your for your support!

Swim to Survive - We have completed all three of our swimming lessons. Thank you for preparing your child each Friday with their swimming items. I know that all students had a great time. Also, thank you to all volunteers who came out to the Minto Recreation Centre to assist our class. 

Colder Weather Approaching - Just a reminder that all children go outside most days, so it is important that students are prepared for changes in weather. With the wet and cold weather approaching, it is recommended that your child keeps an extra pair of socks, mitts, etc. in their backpack in case their clothing gets wet during the day. Please label all clothing items.

Remembrance Day Liturgy - Our Remembrance Day liturgy will be Monday, November 12th. All family members are welcome to join us in the gym. Please read the weekly memo for more information.

Progress Reports - Progress reports will be sent home on Thursday, November 1. Our learning skills focus for this reporting period will be responsibility and organization. Progress report interviews will be held on Thursday, November 15th. Please ensure that you are reading the online weekly memos for interview booking instructions. At this time, teacher/parent interviews are limited to 10 minutes.

Lottery Calendars - If you are not using any of your lottery calendars, please return them to school if you haven't done so already. All calendars are numbered and recorded and must be returned.

PD Day - Our next PD Day will be Friday, November 16th. No school for students.

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, our class has just completed a patterning assessment. Tests will be sent home next week. Please sign and return math tests after you receive them next week. We have started a unit on money. Grade 3's are learning to represent, add and subtract money amounts to $10. Counting coins at home is recommended since students need practice to develop their confidence with adding, subtracting and skip counting with coins/bills. 

In Reading, we are continuing to work on the "making connections" comprehension skill. Next, our focus will be "visualization." We are learning about text features in both fiction and non-fiction texts. In Writing, students have completed their "Haunted House For Sale" narrative. With a focus on narrative writing, students are beginning to organize and create a personal narrative based on a special memory. In this task, we will focus on using quotation marks.

Instructions for our natural forces take-home project was just sent home. Natural forces is a very exciting topic for students and I know that they will be engaged in this activity. If you have any questions, please write me a note in your child's agenda. We will continue working on the forces strand at school. Our next Science unit will be structures.

In Religion, we have been focussing on prayer. We just had our first Rosary Apostolate with volunteers from St. Maurice Parish. In Family Life, we have learned that we are all unique, but have similar likes, as well as dislikes. 

In Visual Arts, our class is finishing up their representation of autumn leaves with a focus on movement, colour, space and patterning. Amazing work!

Please continue to look at class activities on our Twitter page. I do not post pictures everyday, but try to highlight some of our learning.

Thank you for you continued support!

Mr. Blais

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Classroom Notes - September 2018

BBQ/Open House - Thank you to all parents who were able to attend our school bbq and open house. It was a pleasure to meet you! The new school year is always exciting for all; it is a pleasure to work with your child this year. Please do not hesitate to write me a note if you have any questions throughout the year.

Dressing for the Weather - Just a friendly reminder that all children should be dressed appropriately for the weather each day. All students go out for recess most days. Please keep in mind that our school yard is notorious for getting muddy on rainy days. It is recommended that you label all clothing/backpacks etc. since many students have similar items. When you label all items, it makes it easier to return lost clothing and eliminates any confusion. Our school lost and found box is located in the front lobby. Each year, the box is full of lost items, so please remind your child to ask an adult if they can look in our lost and found if need be. Students must have a pair of indoor shoes that remain at the school at all times.

Opening School/Thanksgiving Mass - Our first Mass of the year will be on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 10:00. All parents/family members are welcome to celebrate with us. We will be walking to St. Maurice as a school community, so please ensure that your child's permission form is returned by Monday, October 1, 2018.

Student Portal - All students have access to many apps and their Google account through the student portal on our Board website. The student portal provides students with additional learning opportunities through a variety of apps. To access the student portal, you will first have to go to our Board website:  Next, select student portal. Students will be asked to type their email and password. Student email and passwords are located at the front of the agenda on a white label. Once logged in, students can access the apps.

Reading at Home and Raz-Kids - Students in grade 3 need to read a minimum of 20 minutes each day to ensure that they are acquiring appropriate vocabulary and reading levels. It is recommended that students read a variety of texts, not just their favourite book. That being said, I think very highly of the Raz-Kids program. When students complement their favourite books with the Raz-Kids program, their reading and comprehension abilities improve drastically. I have adjusted your child's reading level according to their ability on the Raz-Kids program. When choosing texts at home, please ensure that it is a "just right" book. If children are reading books above their reading level, their fluency and confidence will be affected.

Swim to Survive - All grade 3's will participate in the Swim to Survive program. A detailed letter about the program, requirements and permission forms will be sent home the first week of October. Our class will have 3 swimming lessons at the Minto Recreation Centre in Barrhaven (Friday, October 12, Friday, October 19 and Friday October 26). I will require a few volunteers for this activity. If you would like to volunteer, please complete and submit a vulnerable police check (online is faster) before the given dates.

PD Day - Please note that Friday, October 5, 2018 is a PD Day. There is no school for students.

Always Learning in Grade 3...

Our class has been very busy in Math. Presently, we are working on counting, patterning and addition.We are learning to count forwards by a variety of numbers to 1000. By taking a problem-solving approach, we are learning about growing/shrinking patterns using addition/subtraction. We have started learning about mental math strategies through number talks. A growth mindset approach to mathematics - as well as all subjects - is reinforced throughout the day. Our students are taught that everyone can do math! We learn from our mistakes, show effort and demonstrate grit!

In Reading, we are focussing on the "making connections" reading strategy. We are looking at some text features in personal narratives and fictional stories. In Writing, students are using adjectives in their descriptive paragraphs to bump up their work. We are focussing on main idea.

Our first strand in Science is "Forces Causing Movement." We are learning about gravity, magnetism, electrostatic, friction and muscular force. We know that a force is a push or a pull and that force can stop, change the speed and/or the direction of an object.

In Religion/Family Life, we are learning what it means to be a Catholic community. Additionally, we are completing our "Samaritans on the Digital Road" lessons. These lessons integrate scripture to teach our students about making positive choices online. Our first unit in Family Life is called "Created and Loved by God." 

In Visual Arts, we have been discussing warm and cool colours. We will be experimenting with the colour white to mix different shades of warm/cool colours for a desired effect. Next, we will integrate math (pattering) with art to create a picture that represents falling leaves. 

Thank you for you continued support!

Mr. Blais

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Classroom Notes – May 2018

Education Week/Open House – Thank you to all of our parents/family members who came to many of our planned activities during Education Week: open house, school Mass, Book Fair and/or any other activities. It was a busy week! It was another great experience for all to celebrate Catholic education and our distinctiveness together. It was equally amazing to witness our students playing a few of our Math games with you. Although we have many Math games to play, our students use these activities to reinforce essential concepts in a fun and positive manner.

EQAO – An important letter went home last week regarding this assessment. Just a reminder that our grade 3 class will be completing the assessment on the following days:

  • Wednesday, May 23, 2018 (Math)
  • Thursday, May 24, 2018 (Language)
  • Friday, May 25, 2018 (Math)
  • Wednesday, May 30, 2018 (Language)
  • Thursday, May 31, 2018 (Language)
  • Friday, June 1, 2018 (Language)

It is essential that all students are present on these days and that all students arrive to school on time since we will begin the assessment promptly. As mentioned in the letter, students should eat a big breakfast and have a good night's sleep. Our grade 3's are well-prepared for this assessment. Our students have a growth mindset approach to this test and we have practised and applied strategies to build confidence and ensure success for all. I know that our students are confident, resilient and they will do their best. Results from EQAO testing will be sent home early into the next school year.

Finally some sun and warmer weather! Just a reminder that students go outside for recess – and sometimes gym – on most days. It is recommended that students are prepared for the weather by being dressed appropriately. Many parents apply sunscreen to their child before school on hot days and students can bring extra sunscreen to apply on their own later in the day if needed. No aerosol cans/sprays please! Hats are always recommended. All students still require one pair of indoor and outdoor shoes.

No homework during EQAO – Students will not be receiving regular homework during the next two weeks because of this assessment. Our grade 3's will be working hard over the next two weeks, so it is better if they are well-rested during this period in the school year.

End of year field trip! - A letter will be sent home in the upcoming weeks that will outline our field trip. Our field trip is scheduled for June 20th.

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, we have covered, practised and reviewed many important concepts in preparation for EQAO. We have learned how the equal sign relates to the concept of equality (algebra), as well as strategies to determine missing numbers in an equation using addition and subtraction (e.g. 5 + 10 = 20 - ___ ). We learned about transformations (translations/slides, reflections/flips and rotations/turns). We have discussed Mass & Capacity and how to convert kilograms/grams and litres/millilitres. Our students have learned about different types of fractions, as well as strategies for division. Over the next few weeks, we will have a few short math assessments in anticipation of the final report card in June. After EQAO, we will have several fun math tasks, including the use of our school OZObots and an activity in which students create their own math game.

In Language, students have been reading a variety of poems and learning about the characteristics of poetry (i.e. lines, stanzas, speaker, etc.). In Media Literacy, students will design their own box for their math board game and use advertising techniques to promote their game to their determined audience.

In Science, we will complete our last strand on “Plants.” This week, our students will learn about the process of germination by growing their own bean plant. We will discuss the basic needs of plants, as well as the major parts of a plant.

In Health, students have learned about the 4 Food Groups and the importance of healthy living/eating habits. Our grade 3's will create a detailed poster to demonstrate their learning of healthy eating habits. In Music, we will learn to sing a few songs in unison, as well as sing a round as a whole group.

I hope that everyone had a memorable Victoria Day long weekend! It will be a very busy finish to the end of the year, so please keep up-to-date by reading school weekly memos and checking student agendas for upcoming activities. Thanks again for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Classroom Notes - April 2018

Easter Mass rescheduled - Father Tim needed to reschedule our school Easter Mass and our next school Mass will be on Tuesday, May 01 at St Maurice's Parish. All parents/guardians are welcome to celebrate with us.

Education Week - All schools in our Board will celebrate Catholic education from May 7-11. Please check the weekly memo for all activities during this busy week. There are lots of fun events each day including the Book Fair, water walk and our St. Gregory open house, just to name a few. During the open house, our grade three class will be demonstrating their math skills through math games. Hope that you can join us and participate!

EQAO - All grade 3 and grade 6 students will complete the EQAO assessment during the last week of May and the first week of June. Our students have been preparing for this assessment to the best of their ability. A note will be sent home in May outlining the testing schedule and essential preparation at home.

PD Day - There is a PD Day on Friday, April 27th. There is no school for students.

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, students have completed their area and perimeter robots. As well, our class completed an area and perimeter assessment that will be sent home to be signed shortly. Currently we have been working on a number of concepts including multiplication, division and fractions through a variety of activities. Next, we will be learning about reflections, translations and rotations, as well as movement on a grid.

In Language, our class learned to write adventure stories by creating a big problem, a series of dangerous/exciting events and an interesting solution. We were engaged in this writing task by reading "Jumanji" for read aloud. Students were given specific success criteria for this task. Our class really enjoyed this type of narrative writing and we will display our amazing stories on our bulletin board during Education Week. In anticipation of EQAO, we will continue to practice using reading/writing strategies to prepare for the assessment.

In Science, we are continuing our unit on "Soils." Currently, students are learning about the types of soils (sand, silt, clay, loam). We will go outside into our courtyard to conduct an experiment on the different layers of soil, as well investigating the living things that we might find inside the soil within our school yard.

In Family Life, we are learning that families have commitments and that making decisions requires careful thought.

In Health, we have been learning about good, healthy living habits. Currently, we are investigating the four food groups and how to integrate several items from several of these groups into breakfast and snacks. Students will be creating a poster to outline their learning of good overall health.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Classroom Notes - March 2018

Building Bridges - Before the March Break, we completed two sessions with our Engineer in Residence (Mr. Ball). Our class enjoyed learning about adding strength to a structure.

Growth Mindset - As previously mentioned, our class embraces a growth mindset approach to learning and our students recognize that we must make and learn from our mistakes in order for our brains to grow. Here are a few links to video clips that we have watched in class during our growth mindset lessons.

Continuing to emphasize a growth mindset approach to learning at home will complement this approach to learning at school. At school, we emphasize that we must put effort and show resilience when faced with challenges. 

Appropriate Clothing and School Supplies - As the weather begins to warm up, please remember that our school yard gets very wet as the snow melts. In fact, our yard will start to resemble a small lake. Students need to be prepared for the changing weather each day by being dressed appropriately. It is recommended that students have a pair of water-proof boots for wet/rainy days. I have noticed some students are complaining about their indoor shoes not fitting anymore, or that some are well worn. Please ask your child about the condition of their indoor shoes so they can continue to feel comfortable and remain safe during gym activities.

On another note, our school provides the basic supplies needed for learning. Please ask your child if they have used up any of the items that you purchased at the beginning of the year. Many students have been informing me that they don't have certain items left anymore, so this is a good time of the year to replenish any items if you choose to do so. Thank you for your efforts!

School-wide Lenten project - On behalf of St. Gregory staff, I wish to thank you for contributing to our Lenten project (O.K. Clean Water), either through our bingo or purchasing basil from our garden towers. Thank you for reinforcing Catholic teachings.

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, we have just completed our unit in Geometry. We will continue to review important concepts from this unit as the year progresses. Students have been busy learning about perimeter, as well as strategies to show their thinking when encountering these questions. We will create robots using area and perimeter for the body parts (e.g. arms, head, legs, etc.). Also, our class has been working very hard on multiplication to 7 x 7 and showing their work using arrays and repeated addition. We have started subtraction with regrouping using an algorithm and checking our answers using a number line. If you are looking for extra practice at home for your child, addition and subtraction with regrouping will assist their learning at school. There are many great websites that students should be using at home to support their learning in mathematics. Previously, I have mentioned and our students use this website frequently at school. Also, all students have access to Dreambox and their login information should be glued into the front of their agenda. Here are some additional websites you can try at home:

In Writing, students are very engaged in writing persuasive letters and paragraphs. We are learning to write a strong opinion statement, as well as the importance of including relevant reasons and details in the body of our work. In Reading, we are continuing to work on reading comprehension strategies as well as writing appropriate responses to questions about a text.

In Science, we will begin a new unit on "Soils." This year, we are lucky to have our garden towers at our school to complement this unit and our next study on plants.

In Religion, we have been discussing what sin is, including personal and social sin. During our Lenten journey, we have been stressing the importance of prayer, almsgiving and reconciliation. Last week, students received the sacrament of reconciliation from Father Tim and Father John. As we enter Holy Week, students are preparing for our school-wide Stations of the Cross. In class, we will focus on the death and resurrection of Christ through scripture and prayer.

I wish everyone a wonderful and Easter weekend!

Mr. Blais

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Classroom Notes - February 2018

First Term Reports - Report cards were sent home on Friday, February 16th. At home, please speak to your child about their learning goals for the second term. In the classroom, I regularly speak to our students about their learning skills in preparation for the junior division. Please sign and return the bottom portion of the report card as soon as possible. Just a reminder, that I will be only contacting parents who I need to schedule an interview with at this time.

Skating - Unless there is a significant change in the weather and ice conditions, skating will be cancelled for the rest of the year. Unfortunately, the rainy weather has dampened our chances of skating again this winter. Thank you for your understanding!

Classroom Gardens - If you are interested in purchasing either basil or lettuce from our garden towers, please place your order by Wednesday, February 21. These items will be sent home with your child on this day if you have made a request. We have planted a variety of vegetables/herbs, including kale, thyme, parsley and basil. As previously mentioned, all proceeds will assist our school-wide Lenten project.

Snowshoes - Snowshoes will be lent to our school from February 26 - March 2. We will attempt to use these snowshoes during our physical education blocks, as long as weather permits and there is still snow left in the yard. Fingers crossed!

Lenten calendars - Lenten calendars have been sent home for those students who wish to participate and contribute to this initiative. Thank you for your support!

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Measurement, students have been estimating and measuring in metres and centimetres. We are learning to show our thinking to problem-solving questions that focus on measurement. We will begin a new unit in Geometry and return to measurement in March with a focus on area and perimeter. Also, students have been showing grit when learning to subtract with regrouping using an algorithm. It is recommended that students practise subtracting with regrouping at home to reinforce learning at school.

In Writing, students are completing their winter narratives based on the story, "Snowmen at Night." Next, we will learn to write persuasive letters and paragraphs. In Reading, we are working on the monitoring comprehension strategy through our shared reading of a variety of texts.

In Science, we are finishing up our unit on Structures. Next, we will learn about Soils. Mr. Ball will still be visiting our class in March to lead us on a bridge-making experiment.

In Religion, we have been discussing our Lenten journey, as well as what sacrifice and temptation means. Last week, all students participated in our Ash Wednesday Liturgy to mark the beginning of this special season in our Catholic calendar. 

If you have any questions, please write me a note in your child's agenda.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

Monday, January 22, 2018

Classroom Notes – January 2018

Valentine's Day Dance/Basket – Our very popular St. Gregory's Valentine's Day dance and basket raffle is quickly approaching. A note went home last week outlining the theme of our basket and related items that you can donate. Our theme is “Mommy Time” and you can send any contributions for our classroom basket by February 02, 2018.

Money Assessment – Our grade 3's completed a “show-me-what-you-know” on money just before the Christmas break. Please sign and return the assessment as soon as possible if you haven't done so already. Adding and subtracting money amounts to $10 takes practice and it is recommended that your child practices representing money amounts, counting and adding/subtracting money using coins at home.

Outdoor Skating – It seems that we are experiencing another unpredictable winter – from cold to unusually warm – and these temperatures affect the condition of the rink. I have scheduled our class skating time on Friday's from 10:30 – 12:00. This day and time will depend on weather conditions and I will notify you the day before if skating will need to be cancelled for that day. I will send home a detailed letter including skating rules and required equipment in the near future. Since this upcoming Friday is a PD Day, we will attempt to begin skating on Friday, February 2nd. Thank you for your patience!

First Term Reports – We are quickly nearing the end of the first reporting term. Just a reminder that students will be given a letter grade for all six learning skills and I will be specifically commenting on/providing next steps for Organization and Initiative. Report cards will be sent home on Friday, February 16th. Please be advised that interviews will be on a “needs basis,” therefore I will only be personally contacting those parents whom I need to discuss their child's progress with.

Homework Routines – Spelling homework will continue to be sent home on Monday's and due on Friday's. Now that we are further into the school year, I will begin alternating between Spelling and Math homework. All students need to be reading at home each night. It is recommended that students balance their personal choice of chapter/picture books with Raz-Kids. For extra homework practice, students can access many apps for computer/iPad through their student portal on our Board website: All grade 3's have their email and passwords glued into the front page of their agenda.

Winter Clothing – Just a reminder that it is recommended that all students keep extra socks, mitts and toques in their backpack just in case their clothing gets wet or lost during the school day. Please remember to label all clothing to increase your chances of having lost items returned to you.

PD Day – There will be no school for students on Friday, January 26, 2018.

Always Learning in Grade 3....

We have completed our unit on Data Management in Math; however, we will revisit important concepts for this strand in the Spring. Currently, we are working on telling time to 5 minutes by reading and writing both analogue and digital times. Also, students are learning to read a thermometer and write temperatures degrees celsius. In Measurement, we will be learning about measuring and estimating length, width and height using centimetres, metres and kilometres.

In Writing, our grade 3's used their imagination to create a short fictional story called “If I Lived in a Snow Globe.” I am displaying their amazing stories on our classroom bulletin board. For extra writing practice at home, students can write their own narratives, or you could give your child a writing prompt for them to write a paragraph about a topic/theme. Also, our class has been very lucky to have a technology coach from our Board teaching students to use Google Drive, Docs and Read & Write. Students can write a narrative using these programs and they can demonstrate how they are learning about and using technology in the classroom. In Reading, we are continuing to read a variety of texts, using reading strategies to improve comprehension. We are learning and practising strategies to write effective short answer responses to questions.

In Science, we have been learning about strength and stability in our unit on Structures. We have been discussing man-made and natural structures. Also, we are learning about what makes a structure strong and stable. Currently, students are creating a structure using only straws and masking tape that needs to support a load (i.e. a chapter book) without collapsing. Next, we will look at how shape can add strength to a structure. In the near future, we will have a guest (Mr. Ball) assist our class with a bridge building experiment using wooden sticks.

In Family Life, we are finishing up our discussions on “Our Families” and focusing on “brothers and sisters. We will end this theme by learning about “what is a friend” and how to be friendly and open to one another.

In the Arts, we are exploring Dance through a variety of activities. Students are learning to use their body, energy, and space to imitate movements in the natural environment. We are also using a very engaging dance program (Groove EDGEucation) that integrates a cultural context, as well as the importance of dance in communities.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais