Thursday, November 29, 2018

Classroom Notes - November 2018

Wet Weather is Here! - It has been a very wet November so far and we have seen everything from heavy rain, to significant snowfall. Many students have been coming in from recess with very wet socks and other wet clothing items. As previously mentioned, all students need an extra pair of socks, mitts, hats, etc. that they can store in a ziplock bag in their backpack. Also, all students need to have a pair of indoor shoes that remain at school at all times so they walk safely throughout the school, be prepared for a fire drill and participate in gym activities. If your child attends EDP either in the morning, afternoon, or both, please have a plan in place with your child to ensure that his or her shoes are returned to the classroom each day. Please continue to label all clothing items. Our lost and found box is located at the front lobby of the school and it is recommended that you take a look once and a while if your child has misplaced some of their belongings. Thank you for your assistance!

White Elephant Sale - As mentioned in our weekly memo, St. Gregory has a White Elephant Sale in which students will be given an opportunity to purchase Christmas presents for family members. Our White Elephant Sale will be Wednesday, December 12th. You can continue to donate unwanted items to the school at any time leading up to the activity. This event is very exciting for all students!

Advent Mass - Our school will be walking to St. Maurice Parish on Tuesday, December 11th to celebrate Advent Mass. All parents/family members are invited to attend.

United Way Campaign - Thank you to all parents who contributed to our United Way funding drive, especially through our gum and pajama day. Very much appreciated!

Parents Guide to Mathematics - Very useful information for parents in this short document. You can view it at:

Always Learning in Grade 3...

In Math, students have completed a money assessment and it will be sent home to be signed next week. Presently, we have started a unit in Data Management. Our students are learning to create appropriate survey questions, complete a survey to determine data and represent the data in bar/pictographs. An important focus in grade three is reading and comparing data in different types of graphs.

In Writing, we are about to begin an exciting winter narrative. We are learning to use quotation marks to integrate dialogue in our writing. Also, we are learning about contractions and students will need to include a variety of contractions in their winter narrative. In Reading, our grade 3's are learning to respond to a variety of reading comprehension questions using the T.A.P.E. strategy (Think, Answer, Proof, Extension). We will practice this strategy throughout the year in preparation for EQAO. In Media Literacy, students will create their own product and design a poster using specific advertising techniques to target their audience.

In Science, students have started to present their natural forces projects. Once again, thank you for your assistance at home for this take-home project. I know that all students have learned many facts about their chosen natural force and that they were very engaged in this learning activity. I will display all projects at the school and they will be returned home in the near future. Next week, I will be sending home Science duotangs so grade 3's can review material for a short quiz. We will begin our next strand in Science (Structures) very shortly.

As we approach the Advent season in our Catholic calendar, will will focus our attention to the importance of symbols and scripture as we await the birth of Jesus. In Visual Arts, we will be using pastels to create a stained-glass effect to create an Advent wreath.

With Christmas approaching, the school will a very busy place. Please continue to read the weekly memos in order to be up-to-date with all the upcoming activities. If you have any questions, please write me a note in your child's agenda.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais