Monday, March 27, 2017

Classroom Notes - March 2017

Bake Sale for Kindergartens - On Friday, a newsletter went home outlining the bake sale that our class and Mrs. Jung's 2/3 class will be hosting. Our students are very excited about this upcoming event, especially since all donations will contribute to our OK Clean Water Lenten project. Please return the bottom portion of the newsletter by Wednesday, March 29th if you are planning on donating a baked treat. Our class has worked very hard to organize this event and we will present our posters and Google Slides to all kindergarten classes this week in anticipation of Friday's bake sale. Thank you for assisting our class with this initiative!

Growth Mindset - As previously mentioned, our class embraces a growth mindset approach to learning and our students recognize that we must make and learn from our mistakes in order for our brains to grow. Here are a few links to video clips that we have watched in class during our growth mindset lessons.

Continuing to emphasize a growth mindset approach to learning at home will complement this approach to learning at school. At school, we emphasize that we must put effort and show resilience when faced with challenges. 

Homework - Please be advised that I will not be sending home Spelling homework this week; instead, students will have Math homework to complete. As always, homework is due on Friday, March 31st.

Appropriate Clothing and Agendas - As the weather begins to warm up, please remember that our school yard gets very wet as the snow melts. In fact, our yard will start to resemble a small lake. Students need to be prepared for the changing weather each day by being dressed appropriately. It is recommended that students have a pair of water-proof boots for wet/rainy days. I have noticed some students are complaining about their indoor shoes not fitting anymore, or that some are well worn. Please ask your child about the condition of their indoor shoes so they can continue to feel comfortable and remain safe during gym activities.Also, please remember to check and initial your child's agenda daily since we have agenda notes most days. Thank you for your efforts!

Always Learning in Grade 3....

In Math, we have just completed our unit in Geometry. We will continue to review important concepts from this unit as the year progresses. Students have been busy learning about area and perimeter, as well as strategies to show their thinking when encountering these questions. We will create robots using area and perimeter for the body parts (e.g. arms, head, legs, etc.). Also, our class has been working very hard on multiplication to 7 x 7 and showing their work using arrays and repeated addition. We have started subtraction with regrouping using an algorithm and checking our answers using a number line. If you are looking for extra practice at home for your child, addition and subtraction with regrouping will assist their learning at school. There are many great websites that students should be using at home to support their learning in mathematics. Previously, I have mentioned and our students use this website frequently at school. Also, all students have access to Dreambox and their login information should be glued into the front of their agenda. Please note that logging into Dreambox has been difficult for some, depending on the device that you are using at home. Here are some additional websites you can try at home:

Also, students will find a variety of apps when they login to their "student portal" through our board website when they use their Google account. Our class uses their Google accounts everyday and all students know that their email and password is glued at the front of their agenda.

In Writing, students have been inspired by our read aloud of "Jumanji" and they are using this story to develop their own adventure stories. We are focusing on the characteristics of an adventure story, including a series of exciting/dangerous events before the solution is revealed at the end of the story. Part of the success criteria is using adjectives, quotation marks, a variety of punctuation, as well as including action verbs. In Reading, we are continuing to read a variety of texts and use reading comprehension strategies when answering short answer questions.

In Science, we have started a new unit called "Soils in the Environment." We will have a variety of exciting hands-on activities for this unit throughout the next few weeks. In Visual Arts, we have been integrating Math and the Arts. Students have finished a task making robots by using a variety of quadrilaterals. Presently, students are making a collage using two different colours and measuring/drawing/cutting squares to create a desired effect.

In Religion, our class has been thinking about why and how we make a Lenten journey. As we get closer to Easter, we are preparing to celebrate the dying and rising of Christ. Presently, students are discussing the ways they can prepare their hearts for Easter. Many students in our class have shared some of their personal sacrifices that they are making as part of their Lenten journey.

Once again, thank you for your continued support!

Mr. Blais

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